Saturday June 12, 2021 Friends of the Library Annual Meeting
Friends of the Library Members – you are cordially invited to attend the FOL Annual Membership Meeting to be held on Saturday, June 12, 2021 (time and location yet to be determined). Please save this date. We are hopeful to be able to meet in-person, however consideration needs to be given to the pandemic restrictions that are in place at that time. If we cannot all meet together, we will host a virtual membership meeting. Specifics will follow later.
This meeting will include an update on “what’s happening at the Library and Bookstore”, review of our finances (including the annual budget), and an opportunity for the membership to elect FOL Board of Directors members.
The “slate of nominees” for the FOL Board of Directors that will be presented for voting at the meeting include: Mary Crawford, Karen Davis Ferlauto, Stephanie Heredia, Jack Hunt, Hilary Keith, Bob Manniello, and Jeff Singer. Also, other nominations can be made from the floor at the meeting.
Please plan on attending this special annual membership meeting – we are looking forward to it!